Ztrata validity pri session.use_trans_sid

mam problem:
pouzivam sessions a na strance mam formular.
na wz je nastaveni session.use_trans_sid On, takze se cislo session vrazi do vsech odkazu a take jako hidden input do formulare hned za tag form, coz zpusobi, ze pri validaci na html4.01 Strict to hodi chybu:

> document type does not allow element "INPUT" here; missing one of "P", > "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6", "PRE", "DIV", "ADDRESS" start-tag
> ...e="0869d637314e00cf602f222f8cf47193" />
> The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which
> you've placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that
> are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This
> might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you've
> forgotten to close a previous element.

> One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a
> block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element
> (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").

nenapada vas nekoho, jak tento problem vyresit(uzavrit cely form do divu nepomohlo)?
je pravda, ze se da session.use_trans_sid zmenit pomocit htaccess?
onlouvam se za blbou otazku ohledne htaccess.
ale ja bych stale nejradsi pouzival session.use_trans_sid On, akorat, kdyby slo nejak vyresit ten problem s validitou...
nebo jste na to nikdo nenarazil? vzdyt na to musi narazit kazdy, kdo pouziva sessions, forms a strict....
jsem zoufaly....
hledal sem na netu, az sem nasel, ze na to je volba v php.ini url_rewriter.tags, tak sem ji nastavil tak, aby to do formu nedavala a jal sem se pridat do formularu fieldset, aby se mi hodnota presto predala...
jake je ted me prekvapeni, ze to pro zmenu bylo vlozeno hned za fieldset a validator zase rve, ze hned za fieldset ma bejt <legend>....
uz nevim jak na to...
kdyz sem nasel na netu tu url_rewriter.tags, tak se mi dokonce podarilo najit tady ve foru k tomu diskuzi, a tak sem si mnul ruce, jak to vsem funguje...
jenze me to nefunguje, mam html 4.01 Strict a to je mozna ten problem, protoze kdyz jsem zkousel validovat v xhtml strict, tak mi to hodilo asi 900 jinejch chyb, ale tu s <legend> ne
tak sem vyhodil ty fieldsety a dal tam misto toho rucne input hidden a mozna to funguje, ufff