Problémy s PHP

Stáhl jsem si anketu z jednoho nejmenovaného webu. Mám problém s tím, že když kliknu na tlačítko (to je jako odeslat hlas), objeví se stahování souboru. Co s tím?

Mám otázku: Dá se PHP začlenit do stránky, jako třeba javascript?

Díky za pomoc.
<HTML>nemas to php spravne nakonfigurovane

v httpd.conf by melo byt neco jako:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3

ano, php se da psat do html kodu podobne jako javascript, ale zpracovava se to na jinem miste</HTML>
Díky. Ale já se zatím vyznám jen v HTML, Javascriptu a Visual Basicu. PHP vůbec neznám.

Pomůže mi někdo?
kdyz nevim, co je to za anketu, nenabidnes ani zdrojak, ani blizsi popis problemu, situaci, atp., tak ti asi nikdo nepomuze
Jen bůh ano.
A George W. Bush...
A Bill Gate$
Tak tady je ten zdroják a popis problému :-)...

Ta anketa byla v zipu se souborem html. Ten když spustím, kliknu na tlačítko hlasovat, objeví se Stažení souboru php. Jak to mám nastavit?


// title of this poll
$title = "Anketa";
// closing date for this poll in MM/DD/YYYY format
$closingDate = "1/1/2010";
// text file that stores vote choices and totals
$pollFile = "poll.txt";
// text file that stores IP addresses
$ipFile = "ips.txt";
// full path to your CSS style sheet
$styleSheet = "http://yoursite/style.css"; // leave blank if you aren't using this

// check if the poll has closed
function is_closed() {
global $closingDate;

// split the closing date into month, day, and year
$closingDate = explode("/", $closingDate);

// get today's today to test against the closing date
$today = getdate();

$message = date("l, F j", mktime(0,0,0,$closingDate[0],$closingDate[1],$today[year]));

// if today's year is greater than the closing year, return true
if ($today[year] > $closingDate[2]) {
return $message;
// if today's year is equal to the closing year
elseif ($today[year] == $closingDate[2]) {
// if today's month is greater than the closing month, return true
if ($today[mon] > $closingDate[0]) {
return $message;
// if today's month is equal to the closing month
elseif ($today[mon] == $closingDate[0]) {
// if today is greater than or equal to the closing day, return true
if ($today[mday] >= $closingDate[1]) {
return $message;
// if the poll is still open, return false
else {
return false;
// if the poll is still open, return false
else {
return false;
// if the poll is still open, return false
else {
return false;

// check if the user has already voted
function has_voted() {
global $ipFile;
global $REMOTE_ADDR;

// open the IP address file
$ips = fopen($ipFile, "r");

// compare each entry with the user's IP address
while (!feof($ips)) {
$ip = fgets($ips, 20);

if ($ip == $REMOTE_ADDR . "\r\n") {
$match = 1;

// close the IP address file

if (!$match) {
// reopen the IP address file
$ips = fopen($ipFile, "a");

// add the user's IP address
fputs($ips, $REMOTE_ADDR . "\r\n");

// close the IP address file

return false;
else {
return true;

// add the user's vote
function addVote($vote) {
global $pollFile;

// get the current votes
$fp_read = fopen($pollFile, "r");
$currentVote = fread($fp_read, filesize($pollFile));

// create an array with even numbers containing vote choices
// and odds containing vote totals
$votes = split('[|:]', $currentVote);

// update the vote
for ($i = 1; $i < count($votes); $i = $i + 2) {
// get the array index number for the name of this vote
$name = $i - 1;

// if this vote choice is this user's selection, increment it
if ($votes[$name] == $vote) {

// if this vote IS the last choice
if ($i == (count($votes) - 1)) {
$updatedVote .= $votes[$name] . ":" . $votes[$i];

// if this vote is NOT the last choice
else {
$updatedVote .= $votes[$name] . ":" . $votes[$i] . "|";

// save the updated vote
$fp_write = fopen($pollFile, "w");
fputs($fp_write, $updatedVote);

// display the poll
function displayPoll($message) {
global $title, $pollFile;

// get the current votes
$fp_read = fopen($pollFile, "r");
$currentVote = fread($fp_read, filesize($pollFile));

// create an array with even numbers containing vote choices
// and odds containing vote totals
$votes = split('[|:]', $currentVote);

// begin printing the poll table
echo "\n";
echo "<head>\n";
echo "<title>$title</title>\n";
if ($styleSheet != "" && $styleSheet != "http://yoursite/style.css") {
echo "<link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=\"$styleSheet\">\n";
echo "</head>\n\n";
echo "<body>\n";
echo "<basefont face=Arial>\n\n";

// if a message was sent, print it
if (isset($message)) {
echo "<p align=center>$message</p>\n\n";

echo "<table align=center>\n";
echo "<caption align=top><b>$title</b></caption>\n";

// print the poll table rows
// including vote choice, vote total, and percentage of total votes
for ($i = 1; $i < count($votes); $i = $i + 2)
// add together each vote total to find the total number of votes cast
$totalVotes += $votes[$i];

for ($i = 1; $i < count($votes); $i = $i + 2) {
// get the array index number for the name of this vote
$name = $i - 1;

// calculate the percentage of total votes for this vote
// rounded to 1 decimal place
$percentage = $votes[$i] / $totalVotes * 100;
$percentage = round($percentage, 1);

echo "<tr>\n";
echo "\t<td>$votes[$name]</td>\n";
echo "\t<td>$votes[$i] votes</td>\n";

// if the percentage is 0, don't print a bar
if ($percentage == 0) {
echo "\t<td>$percentage%</td>\n";

// otherwise, print the bar
else {
echo "\t<td><img src=poll.jpg width=$percentage height=15> $percentage%</td>\n";

echo "</tr>\n";

// print the total number of votes cast
echo "<caption align=bottom>Total Votes: $totalVotes</caption>\n";

// finish printing the poll table
echo "</table>\n";
echo "\n</body>\n";
echo "";

// if the poll is closed, display the poll and exit
if ($message = is_closed()) {
displayPoll("The poll closed on " . $message . ".");

// if the user is not voting, display the poll and exit
if (!isset($vote)) {

// if the user has already voted, display the poll and exit
if (has_voted()) {
displayPoll("You already voted.");

// add the user's vote

// display the poll

ono to ma priponu .html? Musi to mit priponu .php
<HTML>admin to sem psal:
v httpd.conf by melo byt neco jako:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3

soubor httpd.conf je v adresari apache/conf/
jinak pokud ti stahovani provadi nejaky stahovac tak si v jeho nastaveni uprav typy souboru pro stazeni aby *.php nebral.</HTML>
k tem priponam muzes samozrejme pridat jakoukoliv libovolnou dalsi.. klidne i .html, casto se pouziva i .phtml
no, a mas vubec nainstalovany apache?