apache2 & PHP

jo, sorry, to byl jenom preklep...
cili ma to bejt nejak ..php4apache2.dll chce nacitat (...) problem s php4apache2.dll
- ale veta, jestli je to ta sama php4ts.dll plati
dneska sem stahnul novy apache a php4.3.2 s instalaci kde to dokonce nabizelo automaticky nakonfigurovani apache httpd.conf jenze to samozrejme hodilo nejakou chybu :-) myslim neco v tom smyslu ze to apache nenaslo .. ale jelikoz to neslo ani s jinou verzi apache tak chyba bude asi v mym complu pac sem to zkousel uz podle dvou navodu a s jinejma verzema
php proste chce nacitat nejaky dllko, ale nemuze. bud proste neni, nebo je jiny (velmi pravdepodobne stary...). proto je imho nejlepsi davat apache na cerstvou instalaci...

kdyztak zkus znova nainstalovat nejakej novej service pack, to by mohlo pomoct
mas php4ts.dll v adresari System32?
nemam, ma tam bejt?
You need to ensure that the dlls which php uses can be found. The precise
dlls involved depend on which web server you use and whether you want to
run php as a cgi or as a server module. php4ts.dll is always used. If you are
using a server module (e.g. isapi or apache) then you will need the relevent
dll from the sapi folder. If you are using any php extension dlls then you
will need those as well. To make sure that the dlls can be found, you can
either copy them to the system directory (e.g. winnt/system32 or
windows/system) or you can make sure that they live in the same directory
as the main php executable or dll your web server will use (e.g. php.exe,

Copy the file, php.ini-dist to your %WINDOWS% directory on
Windows 95/98 or to your %SYSTEMROOT% directory under Windows NT,
Windows 2000 or Windows XP and rename it to php.ini. Your %WINDOWS% or
%SYSTEMROOT% directory is typically:
c:\windows for Windows 95/98
c:\winnt or c:\winnt40 for NT/2000/XP servers
We will refer to %SYSTEMROOT% for both %WINDOWS% or
%SYSTEMROOT% throughout the text.

Vyhrabano z intalačního soboru install.txt v adresáři PHP. Tak si to přeložte a rozhodujte podle toho.

PS: automatické konfigurování -> Na to se vyser. Mně to taky nefunguje a je to stejně na hovno.

PSS: Jestli se s tím nechceš srat, tak si nainstaluj PHPTriad a je to.
