
ahoj.. chtel bych se zeptat, co je tohle:
pripadne, kdo je KPF..
THX predem.

<!-- Kerio Popup Killer - script has been inserted by KPF -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var NoPopupsDone = 0;var CurrWindowOpen =;var CurrWindowOpen2 =;var orig_setTimeout = window.setTimeout;var orig_setInterval = window.setInterval;if ( window.showModelessDialog ) { var orig_showModelessDialog = window.showModelessDialog;} if ( window.showModalDialog ) { var orig_showModalDialog = window.showModalDialog;}
var cnt = 0;var popupType = "direct";var KPF_LOG_URL = "";var KPF_TIMEOUT = 100;var onUnloadFlag = false;var KPF_CompleteLoaded = false;
function nullMethod() {}function nullWindow() { this.window = new Object(); this.document = new Object();;;}
function destroyIframe(ifr){ if (ifr != document.getElementById("kpfLogFrame")) { var x = ifr.parentNode.removeChild(ifr); delete x; };}
function sendStream(s, idx, kpf_pt){ try { var ifr = document.getElementById("kpfLogFrame"); var tmp = ifr.cloneNode(true); = "ifr_" + idx; var s2 = "srv=" + document.location + "&url=" + s + "&pty=" + kpf_pt; tmp.src = KPF_LOG_URL + escape(s2); document.body.appendChild(tmp); } catch (e) { orig_setTimeout("sendStream('" + s + "', " + idx + ",'" + kpf_pt + "')", KPF_TIMEOUT); }}
function sendUrl(url){ if (onUnloadFlag) sendStream(url, cnt++, popupType); else { try { orig_setTimeout("sendStream('" + url + "', cnt++,'" + popupType + "')", KPF_TIMEOUT); } catch (e) {} }}
function newOpen(url, name, atr) {wnd = new nullWindow();wnd.focus = nullWindow;wnd.opener = this.window;sendUrl(url);return(wnd); }
function newOpen2(url, name, atr) { sendUrl(url); return(new nullWindow());}
function stopPopups(kpf_pt) { popupType = kpf_pt; CurrWindowOpen =; = newOpen2; }
function startPopups(kpf_pt) { = CurrWindowOpen; popupType = kpf_pt;}
function my_setTimeout(one, two) { try { return orig_setTimeout("stopPopups('ontimer');"+one+";startPopups('direct');", two); } catch (e) {}}
function my_setInterval(one, two) { try { return orig_setInterval("stopPopups('ontimer');"+one+";startPopups('direct');", two); } catch (e) { }}
function my_onload() { var my_retcode = true; stopPopups("onload"); if(orig_onload) my_retcode = orig_onload(); startPopups("direct"); KPF_CompleteLoaded = true; return my_retcode; }
function my_unload() { var my_retcode = true; var cnt = 0; stopPopups("onunload"); onUnloadFlag = true; if(orig_onunload) my_retcode = orig_onunload(); startPopups("direct"); return my_retcode;}
function my_windowopen(url, name, atr){ if ( (! KPF_CompleteLoaded) || (document.all && event != null && event.type == "mouseover") ) { if ( ! KPF_CompleteLoaded) { popupType = "direct"; } else { popupType = "mouseover"; } sendUrl(url); popupType = "direct"; } else { try { return CurrWindowOpen2(url, name, atr); } catch (e) {} }}
function my_showModelessDialog (url , arguments , features) { if (!NoPopupsDone) { var wnd = new nullWindow(); popupType = "direct_dialog"; sendUrl(url); popupType = "direct"; return wnd; } if (popupType!="direct" | (event && event.type == "mouseover") ) { var curr_popup = popupType; if (event && event.type == "mouseover") { popupType = "mouseover"; } popupType = popupType+"_dialog"; sendUrl(url); popupType = curr_popup; return ( new nullWindow() ); } else { return ( orig_showModelessDialog(url , arguments , features) ); } }
function my_showModalDialog (url , arguments , features) { if (!NoPopupsDone) { popupType = "direct_dialog"; sendUrl(url); popupType = "direct"; return ""; } if (popupType!="direct" | (event && event.type == "mouseover") ) { var curr_popup = popupType; if (event && event.type == "mouseover") { popupType = "mouseover"; } popupType = popupType+"_dialog"; sendUrl(url); popupType = curr_popup; return ""; } else { return ( orig_showModalDialog(url , arguments , features) ); } }
function nopopups() { if(!NoPopupsDone) { NoPopupsDone = 1; orig_onload = window.onload; orig_onunload = window.onunload; window.onload = my_onload; window.onunload = my_unload; = my_windowopen; }}
window.setTimeout = my_setTimeout;window.setInterval = my_setInterval; = newOpen;if ( orig_showModelessDialog ) { window.showModelessDialog = my_showModelessDialog;}if ( orig_showModalDialog ) { window.showModalDialog = my_showModalDialog;}
<!-- Kerio Popup Killer - end of the script inserted by KPF -->
<!-- Kerio Popup Killer - script has been appended by KPF -->
<iframe id="kpfLogFrame" src="" onload="destroyIframe(this)" style="display:none;">
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Kerio Popup Killer - end of the script appended by KPF-->
To je blokovač popup oken, kterej ti tam vkládá Kerio Personal Firewall. Jde to vypnout.
jo.. a taky, co s tim.. diky.
lol. diky.. ja na to zapomnel.