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Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in /3w/ on line 67

Warning: mysql_select_db(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /3w/ on line 70
ERROR: Cannot find database
Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /3w/ on line 103

There appears to be an error with the Invision Power Board database.
You can try to refresh the page by clicking here, if this does not fix the error, you can contact the board administrator by clicking here

Error Returned

Nevíte co stím jsem na to íplný jelito.
Ukaz soubor 1p3Final/sources/Drivers/mySQL.php

| Invision Power Board v1.3 Final
| ========================================
| by Matthew Mecham
| (c) 2001 - 2003 Invision Power Services
| ========================================
| Web:
| Time: Sat, 06 Mar 2004 20:11:55 GMT
| Release: 8440fd89c1076aa5c9e0f79cdd31d7a1
| Email:
| Licence Info:
| > mySQL DB abstraction module
| > Module written by Matt Mecham
| > Date started: 14th February 2002
| > Module Version Number: 1.0.0

class db_driver {

var $obj = array ( "sql_database" => "" ,
"sql_user" => "root" ,
"sql_pass" => "" ,
"sql_host" => "localhost",
"sql_port" => "" ,
"persistent" => "0" ,
"sql_tbl_prefix" => "ibf_" ,
"cached_queries" => array(),
'debug' => 0,

var $query_id = "";
var $connection_id = "";
var $query_count = 0;
var $record_row = array();
var $return_die = 0;
var $error = "";
var $failed = 0;

// Connect to the database

function connect() {

if ($this->obj['persistent'])
$this->connection_id = mysql_pconnect( $this->obj['sql_host'] ,
$this->obj['sql_user'] ,
$this->connection_id = mysql_connect( $this->obj['sql_host'] ,
$this->obj['sql_user'] ,

if ( !mysql_select_db($this->obj['sql_database'], $this->connection_id) )
echo ("ERROR: Cannot find database ".$this->obj['sql_database']);

// Process a query

function query($the_query, $bypass=0) {

// Change the table prefix if needed

if ($bypass != 1)
if ($this->obj['sql_tbl_prefix'] != "ibf_")
$the_query = preg_replace("/ibf_(\S+?)([\s\.,]|$)/", $this->obj['sql_tbl_prefix']."\\1\\2", $the_query);

if ($this->obj['debug'])
global $Debug, $ibforums;


$this->query_id = mysql_query($the_query, $this->connection_id);

if (! $this->query_id )
$this->fatal_error("mySQL query error: $the_query");

if ($this->obj['debug'])
$endtime = $Debug->endTimer();

if ( preg_match( "/^select/i", $the_query ) )
$eid = mysql_query("EXPLAIN $the_query", $this->connection_id);
$ibforums->debug_html .= "<table width='95%' border='1' cellpadding='6' cellspacing='0' bgcolor='#FFE8F3' align='center'>
<td colspan='8' style='font-size:14px' bgcolor='#FFC5Cb'><b>Select Query</b></td>
<td colspan='8' style='font-family:courier, monaco, arial;font-size:14px;color:black'>$the_query</td>
<tr bgcolor='#FFC5Cb'>
while( $array = mysql_fetch_array($eid) )
$type_col = '#FFFFFF';

if ($array['type'] == 'ref' or $array['type'] == 'eq_ref' or $array['type'] == 'const')
$type_col = '#D8FFD4';
else if ($array['type'] == 'ALL')
$type_col = '#FFEEBA';

$ibforums->debug_html .= "<tr bgcolor='#FFFFFF'>
<td>$array[table] </td>
<td bgcolor='$type_col'>$array[type] </td>
<td>$array[possible_keys] </td>
<td>$array[key] </td>
<td>$array[key_len] </td>
<td>$array[ref] </td>
<td>$array[rows] </td>
<td>$array[Extra] </td>

if ($endtime > 0.1)
$endtime = "<span style='color:red'><b>$endtime</b></span>";

$ibforums->debug_html .= "<tr>
<td colspan='8' bgcolor='#FFD6DC' style='font-size:14px'><b>mySQL time</b>: $endtime</b></td>
</table>\n<br />\n";
$ibforums->debug_html .= "<table width='95%' border='1' cellpadding='6' cellspacing='0' bgcolor='#FEFEFE' align='center'>
<td style='font-size:14px' bgcolor='#EFEFEF'><b>Non Select Query</b></td>
<td style='font-family:courier, monaco, arial;font-size:14px'>$the_query</td>
<td style='font-size:14px' bgcolor='#EFEFEF'><b>mySQL time</b>: $endtime</span></td>
</table><br />\n\n";


$this->obj['cached_queries'][] = $the_query;

return $this->query_id;

// Fetch a row based on the last query

function fetch_row($query_id = "") {

if ($query_id == "")
$query_id = $this->query_id;

$this->record_row = mysql_fetch_array($query_id, MYSQL_ASSOC);

return $this->record_row;


// Fetch the number of rows affected by the last query

function get_affected_rows() {
return mysql_affected_rows($this->connection_id);

// Fetch the number of rows in a result set

function get_num_rows() {
return mysql_num_rows($this->query_id);

// Fetch the last insert id from an sql autoincrement

function get_insert_id() {
return mysql_insert_id($this->connection_id);

// Return the amount of queries used

function get_query_cnt() {
return $this->query_count;

// Free the result set from mySQLs memory

function free_result($query_id="") {

if ($query_id == "") {
$query_id = $this->query_id;


// Shut down the database

function close_db() {
return mysql_close($this->connection_id);

// Return an array of tables

function get_table_names() {

$result = mysql_list_tables($this->obj['sql_database']);
$num_tables = @mysql_numrows($result);
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tables; $i++)
$tables[] = mysql_tablename($result, $i);


return $tables;

// Return an array of fields

function get_result_fields($query_id="") {

if ($query_id == "")
$query_id = $this->query_id;

while ($field = mysql_fetch_field($query_id))
$Fields[] = $field;


return $Fields;

// Basic error handler

function fatal_error($the_error) {
global $INFO;

// Are we simply returning the error?

if ($this->return_die == 1)
$this->error = mysql_error();
$this->error_no = mysql_errno();
$this->failed = 1;

$the_error .= "\n\nmySQL error: ".mysql_error()."\n";
$the_error .= "mySQL error code: ".$this->error_no."\n";
$the_error .= "Date: ".date("l dS of F Y h:i:s A");

$out = "<head><title>Invision Power Board Database Error</title>
<style>P,BODY{ font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; }</style></head><body>
 <br><br><blockquote><b>There appears to be an error with the {$INFO['board_name']} database.</b><br>
You can try to refresh the page by clicking <a href=\"javascript:window.location=window.location;\">here</a>, if this
does not fix the error, you can contact the board administrator by clicking <a href='mailto:{$INFO['email_in']}?subject=SQL+Error'>here</a>
<br><br><b>Error Returned</b><br>
<form name='mysql'><textarea rows=\"15\" cols=\"60\">".htmlspecialchars($the_error)."</textarea></form><br>We apologise for any inconvenience</blockquote></body>";


// Create an array from a multidimensional array returning formatted
// strings ready to use in an INSERT query, saves having to manually format
// the (INSERT INTO table) ('field', 'field', 'field') VALUES ('val', 'val')

function compile_db_insert_string($data) {

$field_names = "";
$field_values = "";

foreach ($data as $k => $v)
$v = preg_replace( "/'/", "\\'", $v );
//$v = preg_replace( "/#/", "\\#", $v );
$field_names .= "$k,";
$field_values .= "'$v',";

$field_names = preg_replace( "/,$/" , "" , $field_names );
$field_values = preg_replace( "/,$/" , "" , $field_values );

return array( 'FIELD_NAMES' => $field_names,
'FIELD_VALUES' => $field_values,

// Create an array from a multidimensional array returning a formatted
// string ready to use in an UPDATE query, saves having to manually format
// the FIELD='val', FIELD='val', FIELD='val'

function compile_db_update_string($data) {

$return_string = "";

foreach ($data as $k => $v)
$v = preg_replace( "/'/", "\\'", $v );
$return_string .= $k . "='".$v."',";

$return_string = preg_replace( "/,$/" , "" , $return_string );

return $return_string;

// Test to see if a field exists by forcing and trapping an error.
// It ain't pretty, but it do the job don't it, eh?
// Posh my ass.
// Return 1 for exists, 0 for not exists and jello for the naked guy
// Fun fact: The number of times I spelt 'field' as 'feild'in this part: 104

function field_exists($field, $table) {

$this->return_die = 1;
$this->error = "";

$this->query("SELECT COUNT($field) as count FROM $table");

$return = 1;

if ( $this->failed )
$return = 0;

$this->error = "";
$this->return_die = 0;
$this->error_no = 0;
$this->failed = 0;

return $return;

} // end class

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