Problem ze strona

Otórz postawilem php-nuke na tym serwerze i na calej stronie mam reklamy :( Co jest grane ? Prosze o pomoc
Nacti si zdrojovy kod z FTP serveru a rucne si odmazej tagy pro reklamy.

Connect to the (FTP) server and edit your source code (index.*) and manually delete all tags for including advertising banners (there could be inserted many times from unknows reason), choose 'close' and 'safe' your file index.* after edit.

(Delete all between tags stasts / end (below) One banner must be inserted on phomeage (one of many rules for using


Unfortunately, it does not help :(
As I will delete all tags,serwer it adds it again to file
why make ?

Sorry my english is bad

In polish:

Jak usune wszystkie tagi reklamy z pliku to serwer znowu dopisuje je spowrotem :(
Co mam zrobic ??
Chcialem popatrzyć na twoje strony ale brakuje ci tam soubor index.
to: chuanet

I hoped that my instruction will help you, but i do not see you source code index.*, if you said, that there is only ONE code for including advertising banner (this cause is really queer..)

I think, that you can contact administrator of this server at: (support)

Excuse my english too, Iam not native speaker :)