to Admin


There is a portal XOOPS at my site I don't like the way you place an advertisment at my site. I can't go there. Could you give me the password of your banner to place it myself. Your banner will exist at all pages of the site.

Another problem with adverisment. :-)

It's very simple to arenge WZ banner on your site. If you want to place the banner on every page of your site, please folow my instruction.

Enter the sections: administrace -> nastavení účtu -> vkládaní reklamy
Choose the radiobutton "dole".
Open source code of your pages and place this: <!--WZ-REKLAMA-1.0--> on the place, where you want to have the banner. Do this with each page of your site.

Another way is to make new document (for example: reklama.html) and use include('reklama.html') in your source code. But you have to use PHP. Then you need to fill in the texbox in the section administrace -> nastavení účtu -> vkládaní reklamy with the name of the file (reklama.html) . Now the source code of the adwertisment is placed into the file "reklama.html" and you only use "include" where you want.
Sorry if you dont understand my instruction.
How to ask Admin that he has removed advertising from my page index.php?