divy si zase dělají,co chcou...

Prosím,co mám zase blbě?
- proč vylezly adresy od BRNO ... z předdefinovaného divu?
- proč to vlezlo všechno do odkazu, když v odkazu má být jen mailová adresa každého střediska?
- proč ty mailové adresy nejsou vidět?
- proč nejsou vidět přednastavené rámečky na fotky?(Fotky tam ještě nemám.)
- proč není písmo malé?
.........pomozte staré vydře, prosím...
jednoduse skopiruj tak pro vlozeni obrazku z Veseli nad moravou... (teda jestli ti tam chybi zrovna tyto ramecky...)
jinak mrkni se kolik tam mas zakladnich chyb, tu je mas...:
Found 1 errors 180 warnings
line 19 column 7 - Warning: <img> missing '>' for end of tag
line 81 column 34 - Warning: entity "&nbsp" doesn't end in ';'
line 82 column 15 - Warning: entity "&nbsp" doesn't end in ';'
line 82 column 50 - Warning: entity "&nbsp" doesn't end in ';'
line 84 column 7 - Warning: inserting implicit <p>
line 89 column 5 - Warning: replacing unexpected h3 by </h3>
line 94 column 62 - Warning: entity "&#064seznam.cz" doesn't end in ';'
line 94 column 9 - Warning: <a> discarding newline in URI reference
line 94 column 9 - Warning: <a> discarding newline in URI reference
line 94 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute with missing trailing quote mark
line 94 column 9 - Warning: missing </a> before <h3>
line 97 column 13 - Warning: inserting implicit <a>
line 97 column 13 - Warning: missing </a> before <h3>
line 97 column 9 - Warning: replacing unexpected h3 by </h3>
line 99 column 13 - Warning: inserting implicit <a>
line 102 column 74 - Warning: entity "&#064seznam.cz" doesn't end in ';'
line 102 column 13 - Warning: <a> discarding newline in URI reference
line 102 column 13 - Warning: <a> discarding newline in URI reference
line 102 column 13 - Warning: <a> attribute with missing trailing quote mark
line 99 column 13 - Warning: missing </a> before <a>
line 102 column 13 - Warning: missing </a> before <h3>
line 105 column 17 - Warning: inserting implicit <a>
line 105 column 17 - Warning: missing </a> before <h3>
line 105 column 13 - Warning: replacing unexpected h3 by </h3>
line 107 column 17 - Warning: inserting implicit <a>
line 110 column 84 - Warning: entity "&#064seznam.cz" doesn't end in ';'
line 110 column 17 - Warning: <a> discarding newline in URI reference
line 110 column 17 - Warning: <a> discarding newline in URI reference
line 110 column 17 - Warning: <a> attribute with missing trailing quote mark
line 107 column 17 - Warning: missing </a> before <a>
line 110 column 17 - Warning: missing </a> before <h3>
line 113 column 21 - Warning: inserting implicit <a>
line 113 column 21 - Warning: missing </a> before <h3>
line 113 column 17 - Warning: replacing unexpected h3 by </h3>
line 115 column 21 - Warning: inserting implicit <a>
line 118 column 88 - Warning: entity "&#064seznam.cz" doesn't end in ';'
line 118 column 21 - Warning: <a> discarding newline in URI reference
line 118 column 21 - Warning: <a> discarding newline in URI reference
line 118 column 21 - Warning: <a> attribute with missing trailing quote mark
line 115 column 21 - Warning: missing </a> before <a>
line 118 column 21 - Warning: missing </a> before <h3>
line 121 column 25 - Warning: inserting implicit <a>
line 121 column 25 - Warning: missing </a> before <h3>
line 121 column 21 - Warning: replacing unexpected h3 by </h3>
line 123 column 25 - Warning: inserting implicit <a>
line 126 column 94 - Warning: entity "&#064seznam.cz" doesn't end in ';'
line 126 column 25 - Warning: <a> discarding newline in URI reference
line 126 column 25 - Warning: <a> discarding newline in URI reference
line 126 column 25 - Warning: <a> attribute with missing trailing quote mark
line 123 column 25 - Warning: missing </a> before <a>
line 126 column 25 - Warning: missing </a> before <h3>
line 129 column 29 - Warning: inserting implicit <a>
line 129 column 29 - Warning: missing </a> before <h3>
line 129 column 25 - Warning: replacing unexpected h3 by </h3>
line 131 column 29 - Warning: inserting implicit <a>
line 134 column 67 - Warning: entity "&#064robotarna.cz" doesn't end in ';'
line 134 column 29 - Warning: <a> discarding newline in URI reference
line 134 column 29 - Warning: <a> discarding newline in URI reference
line 134 column 29 - Warning: <a> discarding newline in URI reference
line 134 column 29 - Warning: <a> discarding newline in URI reference
line 134 column 29 - Warning: <a> discarding newline in URI reference
line 134 column 67 - Error: missing quote mark for attribute value
line 134 column 29 - Warning: <a> attribute with missing trailing quote mark
line 131 column 29 - Warning: missing </a> before <a>
line 134 column 29 - Warning: missing </a> before <a>
line 25 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 27 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 29 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 31 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 33 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 35 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 37 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 39 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 41 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 43 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 45 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 47 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 49 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 51 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 53 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 55 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 57 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 59 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 61 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 63 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 65 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 67 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute "href" lacks value
line 77 column 9 - Warning: <hr> proprietary attribute "color"
line 88 column 5 - Warning: <img> proprietary attribute "margin"
line 94 column 9 - Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference
line 94 column 9 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "width"
line 94 column 9 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "height"
line 94 column 9 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "border"
line 94 column 9 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "align"
line 94 column 9 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "margin"
line 97 column 13 - Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference
line 97 column 13 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "width"
line 97 column 13 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "height"
line 97 column 13 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "border"
line 97 column 13 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "align"
line 97 column 13 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "margin"
line 99 column 13 - Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference
line 99 column 13 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "width"
line 99 column 13 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "height"
line 99 column 13 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "border"
line 99 column 13 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "align"
line 99 column 13 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "margin"
line 102 column 13 - Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference
line 102 column 13 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "width"
line 102 column 13 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "height"
line 102 column 13 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "border"
line 102 column 13 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "align"
line 102 column 13 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "margin"
line 105 column 17 - Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference
line 105 column 17 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "width"
line 105 column 17 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "height"
line 105 column 17 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "border"
line 105 column 17 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "align"
line 105 column 17 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "margin"
line 107 column 17 - Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference
line 107 column 17 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "width"
line 107 column 17 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "height"
line 107 column 17 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "border"
line 107 column 17 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "align"
line 107 column 17 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "margin"
line 110 column 17 - Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference
line 110 column 17 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "width"
line 110 column 17 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "height"
line 110 column 17 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "border"
line 110 column 17 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "align"
line 110 column 17 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "margin"
line 113 column 21 - Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference
line 113 column 21 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "width"
line 113 column 21 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "height"
line 113 column 21 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "border"
line 113 column 21 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "align"
line 113 column 21 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "margin"
line 115 column 21 - Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference
line 115 column 21 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "width"
line 115 column 21 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "height"
line 115 column 21 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "border"
line 115 column 21 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "align"
line 115 column 21 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "margin"
line 118 column 21 - Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference
line 118 column 21 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "width"
line 118 column 21 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "height"
line 118 column 21 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "border"
line 118 column 21 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "align"
line 118 column 21 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "margin"
line 121 column 25 - Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference
line 121 column 25 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "width"
line 121 column 25 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "height"
line 121 column 25 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "border"
line 121 column 25 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "align"
line 121 column 25 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "margin"
line 123 column 25 - Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference
line 123 column 25 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "width"
line 123 column 25 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "height"
line 123 column 25 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "border"
line 123 column 25 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "align"
line 123 column 25 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "margin"
line 126 column 25 - Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference
line 126 column 25 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "width"
line 126 column 25 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "height"
line 126 column 25 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "border"
line 126 column 25 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "align"
line 126 column 25 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "margin"
line 129 column 29 - Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference
line 129 column 29 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "width"
line 129 column 29 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "height"
line 129 column 29 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "border"
line 129 column 29 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "align"
line 129 column 29 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "margin"
line 131 column 29 - Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference
line 131 column 29 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "width"
line 131 column 29 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "height"
line 131 column 29 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "border"
line 131 column 29 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "align"
line 131 column 29 - Warning: <a> proprietary attribute "margin"
line 134 column 29 - Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference
line 84 column 7 - Warning: trimming empty <p>

tento html kod si tam dej... pravdepodobne toto bude to prave...:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

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<br>... požární ochrana ...
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<p> Nabízíme komplexní služby v oblasti požární ochrany a ochranných pracovních prostředků.
<br> Bonusový program pro SDH, sponzorské dary na sportovní soutěže.
<br> Možnost prodeje na leasing.
<hr color="black">
<h3 align="center">
<div style="position:relative;width:30em;height:4em;left:100px;text-align:center;font-size:large;padding-top:10px; background-color:#FF3300;border:double #000000;"> Po - Čt : 8:00 - 12:00 &nbsp 13:00 - 15:30
<br> &nbsp&nbspPátek : 8:00 - 12:00 &nbsp 13:00 - 15:00
<br> (Po dohodě i mimo prac.dobu.)
<h3 align="center">
<img src="..." width="150" height="100" alt="Veselí nad Moravou" border="1px solid black" align="left" margin="20">
<h3>Svatoplukova 519,69801</h3>
<br> tel/fax 518 323 699
<br> mobil 608 527 332
<a href="mailto:perspekta.po%40seznam.cz">perspekta.po&#064seznam.cz</a>
<img src="..." width="150" height="100" alt="Brno" border="1px solid black"align="left"margin="20">
<h3>Výstaviště 1,Kongres.centrum,64841</h3>
<br> tel/fax 541 158 523
<br> mobil 731 825 858
<a href="mailto:perspekta.pobrno%40seznam.cz">perspekta.pobrno&#064seznam.cz</a>
<img src="..." width="150" height="100" alt="Bruntál" border="1px solid black"align="left"margin="20">
<h3>Okružní 3,79201</h3>
<br> tel/fax 554 716 780
<br> mobil 604 325 633
<a href="mailto:perspekta.pobruntal%40seznam.cz>perspekta.pobruntal&#064seznam.cz</a>
<img src="..." width="150" height="100" alt="Olomouc" border="1px solid black"align="left"margin="20">
<h3>Přerovská 41,78371</h3>
<br> tel/fax 585 315 289
<br> mobil 776 315 930
<a href="mailto:perspekta.poolomouc%40seznam.cz>perspekta.poolomouc&#064seznam.cz</a>
<img src="bystrice.jpg" width="117" height="100" alt="Bystřice pod Hostýnem" border="1px solid black"align="left"margin="20">
<h3>Přerovská 52,76861</h3>
<br> tel/fax 573 378 633
<br> mobil 602 244 821
<a href="mailto:perspekta.pobystrice%40seznam.cz">perspekta.pobystrice&#064seznam.cz</a>
<img src="..." width="150" height="100" alt="Šumperk" border="1px solid black"align="left"margin="20">
<h3>Lidická 72a,78701</h3>
<br> tel/fax
<br> mobil 724084054
<a href="mailto:ppo%40robotarna.cz">ppo&#064robotarna.cz</a>
<div class="zapati"> © ing.Eva Benešová 2006
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To Dalibor: íky, teď nejsem na svým PC, ale zkusím to.
Apropos, to hledání chyb dělá nějaký program?
= Evina (duhova-kulicka.xf.cz) =
"Apropos, to hledání chyb dělá nějaký program?"
prohlizec Firefox - rozsireni validator Tidy
a par dalsich rozsireni je zajimavych...

Jinak www.htmlvalidator.com/lite/ (alias na te strance jako download8.html...)

To vis, ze by ti rucne nevypisoval jinak 160 varovani :)
To Peta: Nésu blbá. :-)))
Posílala jsem Ti mail z Tvé stránky, nevím, jestli došel.
Tvůj mail jsem objevila až včera, díky. Nějak nám blbne doma Outlook.
Prostudovala jsem si podrobně ten chybový protokol.Mám dojem, že některé chyby chybou nejsou (např. line 84 column 7 - Warning: inserting implicit <p> .... bez toho ujíždí vložený div doleva)
Jiné chyby jsou popsány několika způsoby a pořád je to jedna chyba (např. line 94 column 62 - Warning: entity "@seznam.cz" doesn't end in ';'
line 94 column 9 - Warning: <a> discarding newline in URI reference
line 94 column 9 - Warning: <a> discarding newline in URI reference
line 94 column 9 - Warning: <a> attribute with missing trailing quote mark)
Zdroj už mám po úpravě a stále zlobí:
- adresa u BRNO není zarovnaná stejně jako u BRUNTÁL. Nevidím rozdílu v zápisu s VESELÍ, kde je to vše OK.
- OLOMOUC a BYSTŘICE jsou celé v odkazu (opět nevidím rozdíl v zápisu)
- stále se nezobrazují rámečky pro obrázky.
Dalibore, v čem to může být?
= Evina (duhova-kulicka.xf.cz) =
Je mi lito, nic mi neprislo. Zkus pouzit to moje forum.
Jinak maily, kdyz ti nejde outlook, tak se daji odesilat z webu, jen se musis prihlasit.
V tvem pripade:
http://login.seznam.cz/ (nebo seznam.cz vpravo email)
jmeno = evina.benes
heslo = (tak to zatim neznam :) )
"některé chyby chybou nejsou"
Jak se to veme. Ty chyby jsou kontrolovany podle pravidel http://w3c.org.
Jina pravidla bohuzel vede MS www.microsoft.com , zalezi na tobe, ktere budes pouzivat. Validatory ti konstrukci
oznaci vzdy za chybnou, protoze P je tag typu inline-blok nebo inline a BR je tag typu block. A podle pravidel v INLINE nesmi byt BLOCK.
Cili pokud tam chces mit BR, tak reseni je:
<div class="p">
DIV.p {margin:.5em 0;}

"Jiné chyby jsou popsány několika způsoby a pořád je to jedna chyba "
Ano, validator hlasi vsechny nesrovnalosti. Bohuzel dochazi k tomu, ze nektere chyby popise 4x jine vytvori nove (treba zapomenes nejaky tag nebo nekde neukoncis apostrof a dalsich X radku pak oznacuje za chybne)

"Zdroj už mám po úpravě"
posli odkaz, na te strance
je to porad s temi validnimi chybkami, vetsinou se s tim da pracovat az po jejich vetsinovem odstraneni.
Mimochodem, ty prodejny bych dal do tabulky:
<td width="200">
<img src="" width="150" height="" alt="" border="1">
Svatoplukova 519,69801
<br>tel/fax 518 323 699
<br>mobil 608 527 332

nemusis si delat nasili s floatem pro 3 obrazky
Jo, ale jestli to chces mermomoci floatovat, pak:
<div style="display:inline-block;">
<img style="float:left;" width="150"> (nebo align="left")
<div style="clear:left;"> </div>
jo jo nektere nejsou... ale mnela si jich tam hodne.. skontroloval jsem to az po nejakych upravach... a ty maile se ti nezobrazovali proto že ti chybelijenom pouhopouhe uvodzovky... na koncich tagu...
kdyz tak napis a klidne navstiv mou stranku.... www.dkusak.wz.cz je to sice jenom tak jednoduchy.. ale aspon neco... toho preskakovani stranky ze stredu doleva si nevsimej.. to dela ten webzdarma... vlozil tam reklamu a ta mi v tom dela bordel.... dela si to co se mu zachce...
= dkusak (dkusak.wz.cz) =
"toho preskakovani stranky ze stredu doleva si nevsimej.. to dela ten webzdarma... vlozil tam reklamu a ta mi v tom dela bordel.... dela si to co se mu zachce..."
Proto davam reklamu do iframu, ze? :) Nerikam, ze u mne na strance je to vyreseny ok, ale na jinych na wz.cz jsem to tak udelal.