Dear Admin (English)

(This is a reply to an early post by Admin: all these (three) domains (among others) are administratively blocked
too much abuse from our location, sorry to all honest guys (if any)
try connect from other location (reverse lookup for your IP address have to be in other 2nd-level domain to successfully login)

i'll put some note to english speaking users here on website with list of current blocked domains)


Dear Admin,

I'm sure that I didn't abuse my account

It's not fair if you block the whole location,
So that all the user in this blocked location can't log-in their own ftp account.

Please concern it.

Thank you
ok, what is your IP address to selectively put on allowed list ?
Míro, to je @!#$ nespravedliví blokovat některé IP pokud zatím nic nevyvedli...
Dear Admin,

My current IP is
But it always change by the Modem...

Thanks a lot
ok, i've removed your subdomain from that list, we'll see, if the reason for inclusion to that list will continue (of course not from you, but there are a few thing I can do againt some guys from you domain)

of course, you can use web interface for managing files (even previous restrictions) or change you ISP to connect from other subdomains

that's all folk from me for a long time :)</HTML>
Thanks Admin,
The FTp works now. :D

Would you mind removing the ip address in my previous post because it's not safe for so many people to "watch" it.

Thanks again.
IP address is always public, and a hacker hasn't any advantages, if it knows it. It depens on services that running in your computer.