fuuuha daco s php ckum a erorom od apachu

cafte zohnal som ze galeriu a samostatne mi funguje ale ked ju includnem do jedneho divu v stranke a potom to pustim cez apacha tak mi vypisuje chybu
''Warning: main(incinc/gallery.inc.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/wwwservis/modell-models.com/upriatelov/gs/gs2.3/index.php on line 77''

TOTO je zdrojak
Settings - Einstellungen

$image_path = "images";
$image_url = "images";

$picture_count = "2";
$pictures_per_page = "6";

$order = "ascending";

$language = "en"; // en, de, es, fr, nl, da, sv

$global_template = "templates/index.html";
$cell_template = "templates/table.html";

$large_image_page = "window.php";

$path['log'] = "./log";

$logging_file = "";
$statistic_file = "";

Add here further words, text, variables and stuff
that you want to appear in the template.
$add_text = array(

'txt_additional' => 'Additional', // {txt_additional}
'txt_more' => 'More' // {txt_more}


Do not edit below.
define('SCRIPT_ROOT', 'inc');
include SCRIPT_ROOT . 'inc/gallery.inc.php';

a 77riadok je : include SCRIPT_ROOT . 'inc/gallery.inc.php';
a dajako to nefunguje poradte prosim
Taky neumíš číst chybové hlášky, že?
Warning: main(incinc/gallery.inc.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/wwwservis/modell-models.com/upriatelov/gs/gs2.3/index.php on line 77

hádám, že adresář "incinc" na disku nemáš...
mam ho tam urcite ale mozno je zle definovana cesta ale som to uz skusaal a neviem no...
no mne se nelibi ten posledni radek

Do not edit below.
define('SCRIPT_ROOT', 'inc');
include SCRIPT_ROOT . 'inc/gallery.inc.php';

mi to pripada takove divne. definujes si SCRIPT_ROOT na "inc" a hned v nasledujicim volas include s prakticky s timtez adresarem.
Ve vysledku je to pak incinc/gallery.inc.php, coz je prave chyba
, kterou parser hlasi.
Nevim jak to ma byt, ale hledal bych chybu prave zde.
imho ja som to pochopil tak ze sa tam definuje v jednom riadku ze root ze asi korenovy adresar no ale ono to funguje ale ked to je v korenovom adresari stranky a ked to uz ide includnute tak to uz bezat nechce....
ps ani toto mi nefunguje ale to neviem zriesit ze kde je chyba<?php
//Here write your email. Replace "your email" with your real email Exemple: name@something.com
$to = "upriatelov@zoznam.sk";

//Here insert where you want to be redirected when send email

$page = "http://www.upriatelov.sk/thanks.html";

//This line give as IP adress of sender. This is good for spam messages.

//This reques name from form.
$name = $_REQUEST['meno'];

//A subject.
$subject = $_REQUEST['predmet'];

//A email.
$email = $_REQUEST['email'];

//A email for verify.
$email_verify = $_REQUEST['overenie emailu'];

//Request message from form.
$message = $_REQUEST['sprava'];

//This checking email is true.
$validate=ereg("^[^@ ]+@[^@ ]+\.[^@ ]",$email);

//Date of sending message.
$date = date("d.m.Y");

//If email is true and there was no error, sending email.
If ($email == $email_verify and $validate) {

mail("$to", "Subject: $subject", "\n Name: $name \n Email: $email \n Ip adress: $IP \n Date: $date \n Message: \n $message", "From: $name");
header( "Location: $page" );
else {
//if there was an error displaying this message. If you want replace "There was an error sending a message!" with your message.
echo "Pri posielaní vašej správy došlo k chybe!";
